Project Updates

Following the achievement of the substantial completion of the construction works, the N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme was put in operation in January 2020. Since then, the new road (from the N25 Glenmore´s junction in Kilkenny county to the connection with the N30 at Ballymacar, in Wexford county, and from this point to the  N30 roundabout in Corcoran´s Cross) is being operated and maintained by the Operator of the PPP Scheme, a  joint venture between BAM Civil Ltd. and Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructura S.A. (the N25 O&M JV).

Operation & Maintenance of this new Road

The N25 O&M JV is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme for 25 years (2020 to 2045). The O&M JV is committed to operate and maintain the road to Transport Infrastructure Ireland´s (TII) standards. The O&M JV is also committed to promote local employment throughout the O&M phase of the PPP Scheme, including the employment of operational and maintenance staff, subcontractors and suppliers.

The 1,2 km new section of the single carriageway N30 road that extends east of Corcoran´s Cross is operated and maintained by Wexford County Council.



Winter Maintenance

Winter Maintenance Policy

It is the responsibility of N25 O&M JV to provide winter maintenance services for the Operational Phase of the PPP Contract and to ensure the safe movement of traffic for road users on the Project Road and keep to a minimum delays caused by adverse weather.

As part of the Winter Maintenance operations, N25 O&M JV is responsible for both precautionary and reactive salt treatments of those sections of the N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme under their operational control.

The areas being treated are those under the operation and maintenance responsibility of the N25 O&M JV are the following:

  • 5 km of Dual Carriageway N30 (Corcoran’s Cross to Ballymacar)
  • 9 km of Dual Carriageway N25 (Ballymacar to Glenmore)
  • Corcoran’s Cross Roundabout (N25)
  • Ballymacar Roundabout (N25/N30)
  • R733 Junction
  • RFK Bridge
  • Glenmore Roundabout (N30)

The winter maintenance operations are carried out from the 1st October to 15th May.

For further information regarding N25O&M JV Winter Maintenance operations please contact M11O&M JV situated at Scarawalsh Roundabout, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel 1800 989090 or


Below is a summary of the main O&M activities carried out in the N25 PPP Scheme:

  • Landscaping and vegetation control.
  • Winter maintenance.
  • Cleaning, litter picking & sweeping
  • Patrolling
  • Providing assistance to emergency services in case of road traffic accidents.
  • Inspections of road elements (structures, pavement, drainage system)
  • General maintenance of road elements.
  • Repair and replacement of damaged road elements.
  • Replacement of road elements at the end of their life cycle.